23 April 2015


Central casting would cast Gerard Henderson as a latter day Ignatiuus Loyola.
Just as Loyola was the Catholic Church’s supposed antidote to the Reformation so too is Henderson in combatting the culture vultures of today.
Henderson is unsmiling, severe of countenance, possibly unlikeable - and usually right.
As the bĂȘte noire of post modernist lefties, who despise anything that smacks of a Christian world view, Henderson certainly harpooned the ABC’s 7.30 Report anchor woman, Leigh Sales most effectively last week.
 Sales and political reporter Sabra Lane had both blatantly misrepresented Premier Colin Barnett. Sales by implying that the WA Premier would ensure that his State “might be a bit slower to help with bushfire and flood relief”; Lane by saying that the Barnett had suggested that in future WA “won’t be so willing to help other States in their hour of need.”  Both are false.
The WA Premier was quite rightly outraged at the lousy deal WA was getting over GST money but he did not threaten contributing to other States emergencies. Barnett said specifically that during emergencies in Victoria (fires) and Queensland (floods) it was WA that was the first state to respond. Barnett concluded that not only had his State done that but “that we’d do it again.”
Instead of doing a hatchet job on Barnett, on what he did not say, the pair of ABC enfant terribles would do well to report on the appalling situation WA is in regarding the GST payments.
Alannah MacTiernan, the federal Labor member for Perth, is hardly a supporter of Colin Barnett, but her article on the subject, ‘Geography Gone Mad in GST Carve Up,’ was superb.
One might wonder why Sales and Lane didn’t find it worthwhile to explore similarly but it was probably easier to misinterpret Barnett’s words than do the research MacTiernan did.
It didn’t stop there either.
In what Henderson describes, rightly, as Sales ‘gotcha moment’ he takes her to task for her interview with Defence Minister Kevin Andrews.
Andrews ‘sin’ was not remembering the name of the Islamist thug who heads up the Death Cult causing havoc in the Middle East at the moment.
Frankly, no-one much cares about who is in charge of Scumbags Incorporated. Middle Australia simply subscribes to the bullet-in-the-head theory for terrorists, both at home and abroad.
Better them than us - and it is them and us- as the Anzac Day terrorist plot proved. Our security agencies are currently investigating 400 possible plots by followers of the Religion of Peace and these problems have everything to do with Islam.  
However, Sales kept on pursuing the Minister and while he should have said “his name escapes me for now,” Sales went on and on, like a pork chop, seeking to simply embarrass him rather than ask substantive questions.
Sales got her ‘gotcha moment’ but, to quote Henderson, “at the expense of her viewers/listeners who learnt nothing from the exchange except that the 7.30 presenter researched Baghdadi’s name before the program went to air and the Defence Minister may have temporarily forgotten it on air.”
This sort of self indulgence by ABC interviewers is par for the course.
Who can forget Geraldine Doogue’s infamous Compass show where her idea of a debate was to have five people in favour of gay marriage, versus Anglican Bishop Rob Forsyth, the lone defender of traditional marriage.
That may be the ABC and Doogue’s idea of a balanced debate but not to anyone else. However, the ABC always wants to portray traditionalists and conservatives as a minority.
Tony Jones, on Q&A, can be relied on to have a leftist majority of panellists every week and ditto for his audience who clap any so-called ‘progressive’ statement-regressive in reality.
It would only be worse if his wife, Sarah Ferguson, another over-paid, offensive ABC ‘interviewer’ was running the show. Ferguson possesses all the sensitivity of a sabre-toothed tiger and her obnoxious interview with the Treasurer, Joe Hockey, was typical of her lack of style.
She thinks she is tough but comes across as just rude and pathetic to most viewers.
If people like Senators Joe Bullock (Labor WA) and Cory Bernardi (Liberal SA) are going to have the epithets of  ‘arch conservative’ and ‘reactionary,’  appended to the names by the lamestream media then there should be some procedural fairness.
What about ‘radical’ and ‘left wing’ being attached to people like Scott Ludlum and Sarah Hanson-Young plus others of a green hue.
Perhaps we should tag homosexual advocates as homophiles in the same way mainstream people, like social commentator Bill Muehlenberg, are labelled ‘homophobic’ for simply championing mainstream views on marriage.
As the late Peter Walsh (1935-2015), a former Labor senator and Australia’s best federal finance minister, might say, expect nothing from the ‘trendoids’ apart from the pushing of their own barrows at public expense.
Their ABC does that constantly for them.

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