12 February 2015

Current Affairs


“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean-neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”
Lewis Carroll – ‘Through the Looking Glass’

 The words of the famed English writer Lewis Carroll (1832-98) are truer than ever in an era where political correctness has gone mad.
Dr Ben Carson, a renowned neurosurgeon and potential US presidential candidate, is an extremist according to the Southern Poverty Law Centre.
Placed on the SPLC extremist file, in October 2014, the listing has only just come to general attention and has created a furore for the nonsense and slur it is towards a fine African-American.
The SPLC has subsequently apologized for the listing and removed Dr Carson’s name from the blacklist (is blacklist a politically acceptable word for an African –American?) in a feeble effort to whitewash their own deplorable standards.
Dr Carson was right when he said his designation flipped values upside down. “When embracing traditional Christian values is equated to hatred, we are approaching the stage where wrong is called right and right is called wrong,” he said.
Dr Carson happens to be a Seventh-day Adventist so the anti-Christian haters deem him fair game, as they do anyone with a Christian worldview.
Even in the apology the SPLC says that Dr Carson ‘has made a number of statements that we believe most people would conclude are extreme.’ Oh really? For a start, read a miniscule number of zealots, not most people.
Secondly, here is a sample of Dr Carson’s ‘extremism’as defined by the SPLC: “Marriage is between a man and a woman. It is a well established pillar of society and no group be they gays, be they NAMBLA (North/American Man/Boy Association, a group advocating paedophilia), be they people who believe in bestiality-it doesn’t matter what they are, they don’t get to change the definition.”
(No, that privilege belongs to the gavel and black gown set who have consistently over- turned citizens support of traditional marriage, as expressed in umpteen citizen initiated referenda in various States of the Union. Of course, the judiciary have ‘special insights’ not available to the rude masses).
What is Dr Carson guilty of here? Absolutely nothing unless not accepting the manipulation of words or supporting traditional standards is now the new crime. He is simply being labelled a hater for propagating the traditional Judeo-Christian sexual ethic.
So what is acceptable to the Orwellian Left when it comes to supporting traditional social issues? Again, nothing at all. Traditionalists have no rights according to the heirs of the mob who supported Barabbas. Come to think of it there are plenty of Pilates around in political authority today as well who professing wisdom are merely weak fools. Some might prefer to call this group Quislings.
Here is a challenge to those great ‘democrats,’ in their own minds: What is illegitimate about an organisation, like CARM, arguing on health grounds that homosexuality is dangerous? If two per cent of the US population accounts for 61% of the HIV cases then surely the question can be raised about such matters on public health and health cost grounds? Likewise, pointing to higher figures of domestic violence and lower life expectancy for homosexuals are legitimate matters of concern, not only to those involved but the broader society.
Raising such issues does not make anyone a homophobe-an idiotic word used by those who are public policy cowards, to manipulate morons who think in slogans.
If you need further proof of this manic and maniac approach towards those who cannot tolerate social conservatism go into Amazon Books and read the reviews on Australian Senator Cory Bernardi’s book, The Conservative Revolution.
There are 555 reader reviews and most of them are from a Mad Left ‘hit squad’ and the bulk of these people have simply set out to denigrate the author. Their comments are predominately puerile and in many cases you have to wonder what these ‘critics’ are taking.
I know of no other Australian book that has so many ‘reviews,’ on Amazon, and none that have such venomous comments.
You are not forced to agree with his views but like any author Cory Bernardi deserves better than having to put up with mad rants. Former US Vice-President, Dan Quayle, had a similiar experience with the reviews to his book, Standing Firm.
It’s time the blacklisting of social conservative thought and the whitewashing of every social fad ceased.
Just as Humpty Dumpty had a great fall so too our society seems headed in the same direction.

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