26 February 2015

Current Affairs


The daily list of atrocities from the Religion of Peace (pieces) continues to mount.
Now, we have some 40 young Australian Muslim women ‘rushing to the colours,’ to join the odious Da’ish. (You would not dignify these scumbags with the word State because the first duty of a State is to protect its citizens, not murder and brutalise them.) Another 140 are known to be active supporters.
Since its inception, in the 7th century, Islam has been responsible for the death of at least 240 million people. To put that in perspective World War II, with modern weaponry, had a death toll of 60million; the Black Death caused the death of 50 million people in the mid  14th century (about 60per cent of the world’s population); and the various communist regimes of the 20th century account for 100 million deaths.
 Thus the followers of Islam have been the greatest of killers.
Da’ish follows the Islamic pattern of murder, rape,slavery, brutality, mayhem and utter intolerance towards others perfectly.
Sexual assault on primary school girls and training boys of the same age to be murderers is the Da’ish legacy.
The usual defence, by Muslims, is that these peoples are extremists and not representative of Muslims generally.
However, press these ‘moderates’ more closely and you see classical obfuscation at work.
At a recent public meeting in the suburbs of Perth, a Muslim cleric started by asking whether there were “any terrorists in the audience,” or whether there were “any present that eat Christian babies?”
Given that the Vatican is claiming that 100,000 Christians are being martyred each year for their faith the remarks by this individual were particularly offensive.
He did not need to apologise personally for these atrocities but he could not even bring himself to concede that there was a problem in the House of Islam in the way they treated others where Muslims are in the majority.
Instead, according to him, the media was responsible and then he asked what about the Allied bombing of Dresden? Well what about it?
Many people would agree that the Bombing of Dresden, on 13th February 1945 was a war crime and totally unnecessary. The European phase of the Second World War would finish on the 8th May, so was it really necessary to bomb the old German medieval city into a huge fireball  and ultimate ruin? (Answer: No)
But, what that had to do with today’s continued Muslim atrocities would only been known to him. Unlike Westerners, who critically analyse faults in their respective countries histories, there are never concessions, by Muslims, that aspects of their history were brutal and depraved.
 Perhaps this Muslim cleric should take up cricket because his sophistry in the art of deflection would surely equal that of great Ranji, the consummate Indian batsman, and the finest practitioner of the leg glance, in another more edifying arena and era.
This Imam, in his long rambling replies to questions also talked about the Ottoman Empire. You know the one that butchered over 1.5 million Christian Armenians during 1915-1922. Turkey still denies that such genocide happened but the only ‘infidel’ that believes the Turks denials is Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop!
Apparently not all turkeys are in Turkey.
So this is the problem we are confronted with in the West: it is never the fault of Muslims. The media, the greedy West wanting oil, the exploitive foreign policy of the Great Satan, America, and the Zionist plotters are all the real culprits.
In fact, the last words of that mad dog, Monis, in the Lindt Café, Sydney,( before the NSW police put some bullets in his head, after he had murdered the café manager), sum up the Muslim attitude, “look what you made me do.”
Muslims are never to blame.
 Just ask them.

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